Health Studies
Students who major in Health Studies are equipped to pursue work and graduate studies in public health, health policy, healthcare management and administration, and other areas related to health and social services. In addition to completing the General Education curriculum, all students in the major complete courses in the three core areas of undergraduate public health education: health policy, global health, and epidemiology. Additional health-related courses in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities are selected, in consultation with faculty advisors, to align with personal interests and goals.
The Health Studies minor enhances preparation for clinical and professional practice by examining the foundations of social medicine. Courses in health policy, healthcare in social context, and healthcare ethics complement the science courses required for admission to graduate programs in medicine, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other clinical professions. The minor also prepares rising leaders in business and politics to navigate the intricacies of the healthcare sector.
The Health Studies Major
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the major must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade less than C- (1.7).
10 units, including:
HS100 Health Systems and Policy
HS101 Global Health
HS250 Epidemiology and Health Research Methods
HS400 Capstone
Statistical analysis, 1 course chosen from
Humanities perspectives on health, 1 course chosen from
ANTH271 Covid-19 in International Perspective
ANTH272 Global Womens Reproductive Health
ANTH302 Health Inequities in International Perspective
ANTH303 Biopolitics in Medical Anthropology
ANTH305 Health and Migration
CLSC210 History of Early Medicine
HIST291 Histories of Public Health and Biomedicine in the Global South
HS200 The Medical Humanities
HS303 Health Ethics
HS340 Law and Medicine
LAIS367 Stories Matter: Telling and Listening in Medicine
LDST377 Ethical Decision Making-Health Care
LLC281 Literature and Medicine
PHIL265 Bioethics
Social science perspectives, 1 course chosen from
Natural science perspectives on health, 1 course chosen from
HS397 plus any courses from the Humanities, Social Science, Natural Science categories above; no more than two courses with the same non-HS prefix can be applied to the major.
The Health Studies Minor
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the minor must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade less than C- (1.7).
5 units, including:
HS100 Health Systems and Policy
HS101 Global Health
3 units, at least 2 with HS prefixes, selected from
ANTH271 Covid-19 in International Perspective
ANTH272 Global Women's Reproductive Health
ANTH302 Health Inequities in International Perspective
ANTH303 Biopolitics in Medical Anthropology
ANTH305 Health and Migration
CLSC210 History of Early Medicine
HIST291 Histories of Public Health and Biomedicine in the Global South
HS200 The Medical Humanities
HS250 Epidemiology and Health Research Methods
HS302 Patients and Providers
HS303 Health Ethics
HS305 Human Nutrition
HS331 Planetary Health
HS340 Law and Medicine
HS341 Comparative Health Systems
HS397 Special Topics
LAIS307 Medical Spanish: Health and Medicine in the Community
LAIS367 Stories Matter: Telling and Listening in Medicine
LDST377 Ethical Decision Making-Health Care
MGMT355 Health Sector Analysis
PHIL265 Bioethics
PLSC365 U.S. Healthcare Policy and Politics
SOC340 Sociology of Health and Illness