Upcoming Health Studies Events
Follow us on Instagram @ur_healthstudies for everything happening in Health Studies.

Data Walk
Join the University of Richmond in partnership with Voices for Virginia’s Children, Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, and Bon Secours as we explore new maps and charts from Unpacking the Census and engage in dialogue about a path forward for the children of the Richmond region. The data walk will focus on general demographics of children in the region and on education, economic security and health components. Register here.
Past Health Studies Events

Health Studies was well represented at A&S Next. Assistant professors Courtney Blondino and Margaret Tait facilitated a case study on Balancing the Business of Healthcare while Nigel James moderated one on Tackling Youth Mental Health: Developing a Roadmap for Richmond.

Fall Study Break '24
Faculty and students joined us for our Fall Study Break on Wednesday, December 11 from 1:00-3:00 in the Health Studies suite, G21 Richmond Hall. There were yummy treats, winter themed games, and relaxing coloring activities. Goodie bags were given to the first 20 students.

Save a life with Naloxone training. Faculty, staff, and students attended REVIVE! training presented by Det. Angie Dubose, URPD, and Kelly Fugate, Prevention and Recovery Support Coordinator Well-Being Center. The department is hoping to offer this again in the spring. If interested in more information, email Stephanie Fillman.
Health Studies Ice Cream Social